Marriage and Death

Autumn was the season for nomad marriages, and this year Dolma’s sister, Nyima was to marry a nomad boy from a neighboring tribe.  They had herded yaks together, and in the beauty of the summer pastures their friendship had turned to love.  Most marriages in Tibet are...

A Meeting of Peoples

Lhamo and Dorjee knew a great deal about the nomads.  Their winter camp lay across the river on the other side of the valley from the village.  One of Lhamo’s first memories was watching the whole tribe making yak-dung walls to protect their tents from the winter...

A Visit from the Nomads

Lhamo always knew when autumn had arrived.  As the days began to shorten, she would climb to the roof of the house and look expectantly northwards, towards the mountains.  Sure enough, on the third day of her watch, she saw a cloud of dust moving slowly down from the...
A Peasant Village

A Peasant Village

As the first rays of the morning sun turned the mountains pink, faint wisps of smoke could be seen rising from the tiny village in the valley.  It was not a large settlement.  No more than nine or ten stone and brick houses clustered together on the hillside – each...
The Roof of the World

The Roof of the World

Tibet is a vast and beautiful country.  It is bounded on three sides by some of the highest mountains in the world – the rugged Karakorams and Ladakh mountains in the west, the wild and remote Chang Tang range to the north, and the great rock barrier of the Himalayas...
Foreign Intervention

Foreign Intervention

The years following the death, or disappearance of the Sixth Dalai Lama are ones of some confusion in Tibet.  The Dalai Lama appointed by Lhazang Khan was not accepted by the Tibetans.  As we have seen, they appointed their own child in the usual manner. ...